Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pictures of CX Nats Make My Life So Wonderful (with apologies to The Who)

Here we go, you can check out all of my pictures from the 2010 Cyclocross National Championships in Bend, OR on Picasa.

I've got pictures from:

December 9 - Masters Men 50-54 and Single Speeders
December 10 - Women 30-34 and Masters Men 45-49
December 11 - Masters Men 40-44, Juniors 17-18, and Masters Men 30-34
December 12 - Elite Women and Elite Men

Along with a smattering of other stuff: smokestacks, fluffy puppies, tiretreads in the mud, kids in the mud, oh and did I mention mud? There was a lot of mud. I really like patterns so you'll see that I took a picture of some sort of pattern in the mud pretty much every day.

This was my first time shooting with my new Canon EOS D60, as well as my first time shooting with a telephoto lens, and I know I have a long way to go. But let me know some of your favorites in the comments so that I can start to get a sense of what does and doesn't work.

And as I keep promising, a full report is still to come before the end of the week. And thanks for checking out my pictures.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Still recovering, bear with me...

Pics and full Bend report still coming soon, but after traveling home on a red eye and dealing with unpacking, picking up the pets from West Virginia, and getting ready to go back to work tomorrow after a week off, I haven't made nearly as much progress as I had hoped.

But to tide you over, here are my pics from the elite men and elite women. I'm brand new to Picasa so forgive the disorder, I'll try to clean things up and group the pictures better over the weekend. Was also using a brand new camera and still have a lot to learn, but if you take the time to weed through, I think you'll find some cool shots. Thanks for checking them out!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Greetings from Bend!

It has been an amazing last few days here, can't believe it will all be over tomorrow. I'll have a full report when I get back home on Monday and I'll also post the couple hundred pictures I've taken. MABRA, and mid-Atlantic cyclocross in general, has been well represented out here, and has had some great results. Wish you were here!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2010 Cross Season: A Pictorial

I took a lot of pictures this year, and I took pictures at every race we went to (13, or 15 if you count each day of Charm City and Granogue), so I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.

Charm City

Ed Sander






Fair Hill


Vint Hill

 Schooley Mill

